APMA Priorities for the 57th Legislature, First Regular Session

View updates on all the bills APMA is tracking this session here.

APMA is supporting HB2629 which would prohibit credit card swipe fees on taxes. A coalition of partners are working together, including NFIB, Arizona Restaurant Association, Arizona Retailers Association, Local First Arizona, Arizona Food Marketing Alliance and APMA. Show your support by signing up here WIPETHESWIPE.COM

Last year’s state budget swept $20 Million from the Underground Storage Tank Revolving Fund, leaving the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality scrambling to prioritize payments for clean ups and leading to delays. APMA supports SB1730 to protect UST fund monies.

Arizona is the only state in the nation to have two rates of diesel taxation at the retail pump. Light duty diesel vehicles fill up at 18 cents per gallon and heavy duty diesel vehicles pay 26 cents per gallon. APMA supports HB2166 to ease the administrative burden on retailers to obtain the tax stickers that they are legally required to post on their pumps.

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2. Find your 2 House Members and 1 Senator on the linked rosters.