State Legislative Issues
APMA serves as your representative to the Arizona Legislature and liaison with key government agencies such as:
• Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
• Arizona Department of Transportation
• Arizona Department of Agriculture Weights and Measures Services Division
During the legislative session, APMA tracks bills that may impact members, reviews them with the Legislative Committee and Board of Directors to establish a position and sends out legislative updates to the membership at large. Calls to Action notify members in advance of critical votes and give specific suggestions on contacting your elected officials.

Federal Issues
Marketing membership in APMA automatically includes membership in the Energy Marketers of American (EMA, formerly known as PMAA). EMA is a federation on 47 state and regional trade associations representing petroleum marketers on federal issues.
EMA works for marketers before the federal government, including the United States Congress, the President, the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Transportation, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Energy and others.